Real World Transactions & Cross Chain DeFi
Earn yield by funding real-world companies. Explore the best opportunities from both TradFI and DeFI.
NRCH Price
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TVL on Platform
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Available Supply
Available Supply
Staked Supply
What is Enreach?
The Defi 3.0 Toolkit for Engineering Better Financial Outcomes
EnreachDAO is a community-governed DeFi platform that tokenizes traditional financial assets or the utility of real world projects on ANY blockchain, simultaneously enabling holders or market makers with the tools to deploy liquidity and hedge risk.

EnreachDAO crowdsources user experience to create a seamless and borderless web 3.0 interaction in DeFi.

EnreachDAO Core Focus
Interoperable and Programmable Liquidity
Tokenising Real World Assets and Projects on ANY blockchain
Development of DeFi Instruments
Market Making and Arbitrage
Unleashing DeFi upon the WORLD
Enreach Products
The Yaggr decentralised application (dApp) is an EnreachDAO product that focuses on deposit based interactions for non-interest yield aggregation and compounding using the Yaggr Multiverse Smart Contracts.
  • Yield-aggregation platform
  • Stake tokens here to get yield-generating tokens
  • YG tokens are used as collateral for $CIM loans
  • Telecom funding pool & numerous other farms
  • Boost yield by locking NRCH token
To obtain a KYCNFT an individual must be validated and verified by the EnreachDAO KYC platform.
The KYCNFT enables holders to activate a FIAT ramping solution directly mapped to the individuals identity.
Subject to the level of activation the user opts for, the individual will be issued with a bank account and/or debit card (where applicable).
  • Verification platform
  • Verification tiers - Higher tier more options
  • FIAT ON/OFF ramp, Debit cards, IBANs
  • More NRCH staked - Higher tier
  • Telecoms will need to have highest tier unlocked
nReserve is algorithmic central bank of EnreachDAO.
  • Ecosystem central bank
  • Mints nFIAT tokens (stables)
  • Holds reserves of assets for backing nFIAT tokens
  • Telecom will user nFIAT for their funding
ChainSwitch is a product that allows for interoperability between supported blockchain networks for tokens with rebase functionality or applied transaction taxes.
  • Cross chain bridge
  • ETH - BSC
  • ETH - ONE
  • ETH - EVM
Launching Soon
Q2 2021
EnreachDAO Recruitment
ChainSwitch ETH <> BSC
Q2 2021
Q2 2022
Yaggr v1 BSC Liquidity Mining (NRCH-BNB LP)
KYC NFT Launch
Q4 2022
Q1 2023
Tokenized FIAT
Governance Platform
Q1 2023
Q1 2023
FIAT Regulatory Approval
Telecom Receivable Auctions
Q1 2023
Q2 2023
ChainSwitch ETH/BSC/MATIC <> SOL
Listed Exchanges